
Attività lingua inglese - The Activities

a.s. 2022/2023

I ragazzi delle classi 2^B e 2^C della scuola secondaria di I grado "Leonardo da Vinci" hanno fatto un lavoro di gruppo nel quale si sono cimentati in una "traduzione creativa" dall'inglese all'italiano di un pezzetto del primo capitolo del Canto di Natale di Dickens.
La traduzione creativa, ovvero una traduzione non letterale, è stata realizzata partendo da una versione semplificata del testo inglese ed è stata fatta una ricerca di espressioni e parole adatte al contesto per riuscire a "mantenere l'atmosfera" del testo originale. 

Power Point classe 2^B A Christmas Carol 2B Power Point classe 2^C A Christmas Carol 2C

 (visualizza il contenuto selezionando le immagini)


a.s. 2021/2022

Nell'ambito del curricolo di Educazione Civica alcune classi delle Leoanrdo da Vinci hanno realizzato degli elaborati multimediali in lingua inglese, sviluppando allo stesso tempo delle compentenze digitali 

Di seguito, suddivisi per classi, il materiale prodotto dagli alunni

1^D : elaborato su "Salute e Benessere" Super Food 1D


2^Fbrochure di viaggio relativa ad un paese del Regno Unito. 

Travel Agency Tours by 2F



a.s. 2020/2021 

Immagine freedom e book




scritte dai ragazzi delle terze a.s. 2020/2021

 Immagine mano touch sx





a.s. 2019/2020


romeo-and-juliet-v2-1030x684 corso inglese

Immagine video  

Romeo and Juliet, Palketto stage production il 7 gennaio 2019



commenti dei ragazzi

The show was very beautiful because the actors and actresses were perfect!! I liked the scenes and the singing because they were beautiful and funny.
E. De Luca, class 3E

The show 'Romeo and Juliet' at the Puccini Theatre in Florence on last 7th January 2019 was in English but I understood all the conversations. My favourite part was when Romeo was banished from Verona and went to Mantua. At the end of the performance some students asked the actors some questions and they were so kind to answer. It was a fantastic experience I'll never forget.
A. Fusi, class 3E

The tragedy began with some singing and the actors danced, too. I knew the story because I read it and I saw the film. That's why it was simple to understand. I liked it because I understood it and in the future I'd like to see it once again!! At the end of the show some students the actors and actresses answered the students' questions. My favourite one was for the actress who played Juliet. The student asked her if she also loved the actor who played Romeo in real life. That was good fun.
M. Tistoni, class 3E

I really liked the show because the actors and actresses performed a classic but at the same time they also added something new and modern like the music. They succeeded in making us teenagers be more interested in Romeo and Juliet's love story.
M. Scali, class 3E

The show was very nice and the actors made us fun. At first I thought it would be difficult to understand but it was not!! The actors were fantastic!!
E. Myftari, class 3E

The really beautiful thing in the show was the light effects and the way they organised to change the scenery and the music they played.
M. Braccagni, class 3E

I really liked the beginning of the show when the two families were fighting. The actors were very good at dancing and singing and also at changing the scenery.
B. Licciardo, class 3E

I went to see 'Romeo and Juliet' at the theatre Puccini in Florence. We read the book during the holiday. I liked it but watching it was better than reading it!!!
E. Picone, class 3E

The actors acted so well and the scenes were amazing. The make-up and the costumes were good too. In fact I didn't understand that the actress who played Benvolio also played Juliet's mother!!! It was a great opportunity to see this show and I liked it so much.
E. Martellini, class 3E

Before we went to see the show, we already knew the story of the two star-crossed lovers. I already liked the story even before the show, so going to see it was very exciting!
G. Tita, class 3E


etw-school highlights1 

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La classe 2E ha partecipato con entusiasmo al progetto The Inner World


corsi certifiazioni

È prevista la possibilità di acquisire la certificazione "Cambridge for school" e di usufruire di periodi di full immersion

La scuola si fa promotrice del potenziamento della lingua inglese sia nella scuola dell'infanzia, che nella scuola primaria e secondaria. 



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